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Age Of Sigmar Grand Alliance Of Order Miniatures

The Grand Alliance of Order in Warhammer Age of Sigmar encompasses factions united in the defense of civilization and the Mortal Realms against chaos and destruction. Led by Sigmar, the God-King, this alliance includes noble warriors such as the Stormcast Eternals, ancient Elves, wise Duardin, and free-spirited humans. Together, they strive to restore order, protect the realms, and oppose the forces of darkness and disorder.

The Grand Alliance of Order is a faction in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe, representing the forces of order, civilization, and righteousness. Composed of various races, factions, and entities, the Grand Alliance of Order stands united against the forces of Chaos, Destruction, and Death in the Mortal Realms. Here are some key components of the Grand Alliance of Order:

  1. Stormcast Eternals: The Stormcast Eternals are celestial warriors created by Sigmar, the god-king of the Mortal Realms, to serve as his champions in the war against Chaos. Clad in golden armor and wielding powerful weapons imbued with celestial magic, the Stormcast Eternals are the vanguard of the Grand Alliance of Order.

  2. Free Peoples: The Free Peoples are the mortal citizens of the Mortal Realms who have banded together to resist the forces of Chaos and build civilizations in the wake of Sigmar's return. They include various races such as humans, duardin (dwarfs), and aelves (elves), each with their own kingdoms, cities, and cultures.

  3. Fyreslayers: The Fyreslayers are a fierce and proud race of duardin who worship Grimnir, the god of fire and battle. Clad in fiery armor and wielding mighty axes, the Fyreslayers seek out ur-gold, a mystical substance that fuels their forges and empowers their warriors.

  4. Kharadron Overlords: The Kharadron Overlords are a technologically advanced faction of duardin who ply the skies in massive skyvessels powered by aether-gold, a mystical substance mined from the heavens. Masters of sky-faring commerce and warfare, the Kharadron Overlords seek profit and plunder in the Mortal Realms.

  5. Idoneth Deepkin: The Idoneth Deepkin are a mysterious race of aelves who dwell beneath the waves in the depths of the oceans. Masters of stealth and sorcery, the Idoneth raid the surface world in search of souls to replenish their dwindling numbers.

  6. Seraphon: The Seraphon are celestial manifestations of the god-like beings known as the Slann, who dwell in the heavens and fight alongside their reptilian warriors to cleanse the Mortal Realms of Chaos corruption.

  7. Sylvaneth: The Sylvaneth are ancient spirits of the forests who serve the goddess Alarielle, the Everqueen of Ghyran. Led by powerful treelords and dryads, the Sylvaneth defend the natural world from the encroachment of Chaos and Destruction.

  8. Cities of Sigmar: The Cities of Sigmar are bastions of civilization and order established by Sigmar's followers in the Mortal Realms. They are home to diverse populations of humans, duardin, and aelves, united in their allegiance to Sigmar and their determination to resist the forces of Chaos.

Overall, the Grand Alliance of Order represents the forces of light, hope, and civilization in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe, standing united against the darkness and chaos that threaten to engulf the Mortal Realms.

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The Grand Alliance of Order, also known as the "forces of Order" or simply Order, is the collective name for the deities, armies and organisations of the mortal races who seek to reclaim the Mortal Realms from Chaos and restore them to their former glory during the Age of Myth. Fight for the Stormcast Eternals, Daughters of Khaine, Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Lumineth Realm-Lords, Kharadron, Idoneth or Seraphon on the side of Order!