N scale rail joiners and pins are essential components for connecting and securing track sections together in model railroad layouts. Here's an overview of the offerings from Peco and Kato:
Peco N Scale Rail Joiners and Pins: Peco offers a variety of rail joiners and pins designed specifically for their N gauge track systems. Here are some key features:
Metal Rail Joiners:
- Peco produces metal rail joiners that securely connect the ends of adjacent track sections together.
- These rail joiners are made of durable metal and provide reliable electrical continuity between track sections.
Insulated Rail Joiners:
- In addition to standard rail joiners, Peco also offers insulated rail joiners that electrically isolate sections of track.
- Insulated rail joiners are useful for creating isolated track sections, such as sidings or reversing loops, where electrical continuity needs to be interrupted.
Track Pins:
- Peco provides track pins that are used to secure track sections to the baseboard or roadbed.
- These track pins ensure that track sections remain securely in place during layout construction and operation.
Kato N Scale Rail Joiners and Pins: Kato's Unitrack system includes its own rail joiners and track attachment methods. Here's what you can expect from Kato:
Snap-Track System:
- Kato's Unitrack system features a snap-together design that eliminates the need for rail joiners.
- Track sections snap together securely, ensuring reliable electrical connectivity and easy assembly.
Integrated Roadbed:
- Kato's Unitrack includes integrated roadbed, which provides a stable base for the track and eliminates the need for additional pins or fasteners.
- The integrated roadbed simplifies layout construction and ensures uniform track height and alignment.
Compatibility: Both Peco and Kato rail joiners and pins are designed to be compatible with their respective track systems. However, it's essential to ensure that you use the appropriate components for your chosen track system to ensure proper fit and performance.
In summary, whether you choose Peco's metal rail joiners and pins or Kato's snap-track system, you can expect reliable and easy-to-use components that facilitate the construction of realistic and functional N scale model railroad layouts.