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Slot Car Braids

Ensure optimal conductivity and performance with our collection of slot car pickups and braids. These essential components provide reliable electrical contact between the track and your slot car's motor, ensuring consistent power delivery for smooth and responsive racing. Whether you're replacing worn-out pickups or upgrading to high-performance braids, our selection offers a range of options to suit your needs. Explore now to find the perfect pickups and braids to keep your slot car running at its best on the track.

Slot car pickups and braids are essential components that ensure reliable electrical contact between the track rails and the car's motor, allowing for smooth and consistent performance. Here's an overview of pickups and braids from various slot car manufacturers:

  1. AFX (Tomy AFX):

    • AFX slot cars typically feature sturdy and reliable pickups designed to maintain consistent contact with the track rails.
    • AFX pickups are often made of durable materials to withstand prolonged racing sessions and provide reliable electrical conductivity.
    • The braids used in AFX slot cars are designed to be long-lasting and offer good conductivity, ensuring smooth power delivery to the motor.
  2. NSR (New Slot Racing):

    • NSR slot cars are known for their high-quality pickups and braids, which are designed to deliver excellent electrical contact and minimal resistance.
    • NSR pickups are often made of high-grade materials and feature precision engineering to ensure reliable performance under racing conditions.
    • NSR braids are typically made of high-quality copper or other conductive materials to provide optimal electrical conductivity and minimize wear over time.
  3. RevoSlot:

    • RevoSlot slot cars are equipped with high-performance pickups and braids designed to deliver maximum power to the motor and ensure consistent performance on the track.
    • RevoSlot pickups are engineered for precision and reliability, providing excellent electrical contact with the track rails for smooth acceleration and braking.
    • The braids used in RevoSlot cars are designed to be durable and long-lasting, offering excellent conductivity and minimal friction for optimal performance.
  4. Scalextric:

    • Scalextric slot cars typically feature high-quality pickups and braids designed to provide reliable electrical contact and smooth performance on the track.
    • Scalextric pickups are often made of durable materials and engineered for precision to ensure consistent contact with the track rails.
    • Scalextric braids are designed to offer good conductivity and minimal resistance, allowing for smooth acceleration and braking during races.
  5. Carrera:

    • Carrera slot cars are equipped with reliable pickups and braids designed to deliver consistent performance and durability.
    • Carrera pickups are engineered to maintain reliable contact with the track rails, providing consistent power delivery to the motor for smooth acceleration and braking.
    • Carrera braids are typically made of high-quality materials to ensure good conductivity and minimal wear, resulting in long-lasting performance on the track.

Overall, pickups and braids play a critical role in the performance of slot cars, ensuring reliable electrical contact with the track rails for smooth and consistent racing. Each manufacturer offers pickups and braids designed to meet the demands of their slot car designs and racing environments, providing enthusiasts with options for optimizing performance and reliability on the track.