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BRM Slot

BRM Slot Cars are made in Italy produce high-quality 1/24 slot cars & accessories. They are also one of the leading Slot Car Accessories manufacturers in Europe.

History of BRM Slot Cars:

It all began in the mid-nineties, when the BRM founder, Mr Pascal Baratella, a passionate model maker, decided to repaint and customize some “slotcar” models of that period that had been produced to be more functional and beautiful.


The satisfaction of seeing their. creations compete against each other created the conditions for the birth of the “BRM” in 2003. Initially with the opportunity to enter the static worldwide modeling market producing tires and accessories and later, in 2006, with the production of the first 1/24 scale BRM slot car model.

Since then, the product improvements and research has followed our growth step by step.

The “Simplicity” in the models and the “Satisfaction” of our customers was and is still the basis of our production philosophy.

The “Passion” and our “Knowledge” pushed us to be “Manufactures of our own Product”, believing that only in this way we could show ourselves to the fans as “Really” we want to be. Step by step, we began to produce, firstly the accessories that complete and customize our models, then the components that are part of the mechanics and then the body and chassis, now completely in aluminum.